Explore how anthropometric and kinematic variables vary foot shape during the stance phase of gait by sliding the controls on the right, or typing in values!

The model was developed by taking 4D scans of 30 subjects (15M/15F) walking on a treadmill at 1.4 m/s. Scans were collected using a custom system with 6 Intel RealSense cameras, with details presented in this paper. The model can predict foot shape with an accuracy of 5.2 ± 2.0 mm. Details on model development are presented in this preprint.

This model was developed by Abhishektha Boppana and Dr. Allison Anderson from the University of Colorado Boulder's Bioastronautics Research Group. The model will be used to develop better fitting planetary exploration spacesuit boots.

We would especially like to thank Dr. Matthew Reed and Dr. Daniel Park from the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute for providing a template foot for this model and guidance on creating this web-based tool. Check out their body shape modeling tools here!

To report any issues or suggestions with this tool, please open a Github issue in our repository.

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This model is released under the MIT License.